Children with Disabilities
The information on this page is a brief summary. For additional guidance, please review Policy 521: Student Disability Nondiscrimination.
Stillwater Area Public Schools defers to Minnesota State Statutes and Federal law related to services for children with disabilities. Visit the links below for more information.
The parental rights notice (also called procedural safeguards) provides an overview of parental special education rights. The notice addresses key rights such as providing informed consent and procedures for disagreeing with the district. View the Minnesota Department of Education website to access the procedural safeguards.
Federal Law:
- The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those children.
Parental rights under Minnesota State Statutes include:
- The parental right to be included in determining the appropriate and necessary services for students with disabilities is governed by section 125A.027.
- The parental right to notice and involvement regarding online reporting of data related to children with disabilities is governed by section 125A.085.
- Parental rights regarding notice, participation and due process related to special education alternative dispute resolution procedures are governed by section 125A.091.
- The parental right to notice of a school district seeking reimbursement from medical assistance or MinnesotaCare for services rendered to a student with a disability is governed by section 125A.21, Subd. 27.
- Parental rights related to services provided to students eligible for Part C services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the right to receive written materials regarding the implementation of Part C services are governed by sections 125A.42 and 125A.48. The parental right to use mediation to resolve disputes under section 125A.42 is governed by section 125A.42