Dress Code
To ensure that what is worn promotes a safe learning environment for all students and maximizes student engagement in learning, Stillwater Schools follows a dress code.
At the start of each day, ask students if what they are wearing is appropriate for school. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Items bearing a lewd, vulgar, or obscene message
- Promoting products or activities that are illegal for use by minors
- Displaying objectionable emblems, signs, words, objects, or pictures communicating a message that is racist, sexist, or otherwise derogatory to a protected minority group
- Connotes gang membership
Enforcement: Staff/administration has the prerogative to ask students to change clothes should a concern arise. If an infraction occurs at school, our staff is respectful in having a conversation with the student about the concern. This is done privately and allows the student an opportunity to seek clarity and ask questions.
Students: If a staff member asks to turn a shirt inside-out, please respond respectfully. If a student believes what they are being asked to do is unreasonable or unfair, they may seek clarity from the staff member, speak to administration, or their guidance counselor.